Health care, $100 billion, estimate
from Government Accounting Office.
violations $250 billion annually, Prof. Francis Cullen, U. of Cincinnati, Criminal Justice Dept.
larceny, motor vehicle, & arson, under $18 billion, FBI for 2002.
job-related injury and occupational disease deaths (doesn’t include deaths of non-employees due to pollution, tainted
foods, and like), 1992, Professor J. Paul Leigh.
Corporation fraud and bankruptcy cost investors, pensioners, and employees $60 billion.
Pasted from Citizen Works reports on corporate greed and government inaction/action. They produce a biweekly newsletter.
November 6, 2003
Mr. John Ashcroft United States Attorney General U.S. Department
of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Mr. Ashcroft:
Recently, your Federal Bureau of Investigations released its annual "Crime
in the United States" report, which pulls together comprehensive data on eight crime indexes: murder and manslaughter; forcible
rape; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; larceny-theft; motor vehicle theft; and arson. The report is obviously useful
in empowering law enforcement professionals and the public; it helps them to better understand and respond to criminal trends.
Conspicuously absent from this report, however, is an assessment of corporate
crime. The report contains no statistics on the accounting, securities, and financial services crimes that have rocked the
economy in the last two years. It does not list details on the litany of food safety violations, product safety violations,
workplace safety violations, environmental pollution and countless other crimes that kill, injure and sicken millions of Americans
each year.
Certainly, as attorney general of the United States, you should understand
the problem of corporate crime. After all, in a September 27, 2002 address to the Corporate Fraud/Responsibility Conference,
you said that "the malignancy of corporate corruption threatens more than the future of a few companies -- it destroys workers'
incomes, decimates families' savings and casts a shadow on the health, integrity and good name of business itself." You warned
that "We cannot -- we will not -- surrender freedom for all to the tyranny of greed for the few." You told prosecutors that
"with each act of justice, you send the unmistakable message that no board room is beyond the law, no executive is above the
Yet, because the FBI does not collect data on corporate crime, both the
American public and the law enforcement community lack good information on what has become a pressing national problem - a
corporate crime wave. Comprehensive data on corporate crime would help law enforcement officials to better analyze patterns
and better direct resources. Information is also a powerful tool for public support of strong law enforcement, and the lack
of it hampers your efforts to stay true to your tough words on corporate crime.
Corporate crime, as you surely recognize, is no small problem. Where the
costs have been estimated, the numbers are staggering. Most credible estimates confirm that, in the aggregate, white-collar
and corporate crimes cost the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars annually - far more than conventional categories of crime
such as burglary and robbery - and cause many preventable deaths, injuries, and disease.
Using conservative numbers issued by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, for
instance, criminologist Jeffrey Reiman, a professor at American University, estimated that the total cost of white-collar
crime in 1997 was $338 billion. The actual cost is probably much greater. For instance, the General Accounting Office, the
investigative arm of Congress, estimates that health-care fraud alone costs up to $100 billion each year. Another estimate
(by University of Cincinnati Criminal Justice Professor Francis T. Cullen) suggests that the annual cost of antitrust or trade
violations is at least $250 billion. By comparison, the FBI estimated that in 2002, the nation's total loss from robbery,
burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft and arson was less than $18 billion - less than a third of the estimated $60
billion Enron alone cost investors, pensioners and employees.
But corporate crime isn't just about the money. It's also about people's
lives. The national murder rate has hovered around 16,000 per year in recent years (In 2002, the FBI reported 16,204 murders).
But statistics from a respected group of occupational health and safety investigators, led by Professor J. Paul Leigh, have
estimated that in 1992 alone there were 66,971 total job-related injury and occupational disease deaths. These numbers do
not include the thousands of annual deaths caused by cancers linked to corporate pollution, deaths from defective products,
tainted foods, and other corporate-related causes. Though we can begin to estimate, it is hard to know how many deaths are
caused by corporate crime, since again, we have no official numbers or annual reports.
There is now a growing consensus that corporate crime is a mammoth problem
threatening the stability of our economy and the security of millions of Americans. But how mammoth exactly? This is what
millions of Americans would like to know through official and authoritative sources from a government that should be acting
to diminish such public dangers, not ignore them.
Mr. Ashcroft, if you are indeed serious about enforcing the rule of law
fairly and justly in this country, we urge you to direct the FBI to expand its annual "Crime in the United States Report"
to actually describe all the crime in the United States, not just street-level criminal activity. Corporate crime is a huge
problem, with far more impact on society than street crime. The major media has recognized this point more and more in the
past three years in headlines and cover stories and editorials. And with the help of more comprehensive data, we could gain
an even better understanding of the problem, which is essential to solving it.
We expect you to take this matter seriously and look forward to your timely
Ralph Nader Founder, Citizen Works
Lee Drutman Communications Director,Citizen Works |
Enter supporting content here
If there lips are moving they are lying.
The one thing you can be sure that they stand for, is to get elected.
If there lips are moving they are lying (said of politician)
To understand developments in our political system
(both parties) one must understand the role of neoliberalism. Any analysis which
misses this connection is grossly inadequate. (Neocons follow neoliberalism economic
We have an evil, evil system. Words such as imperialism, greed, corporate greed, neoliberalism, neoconservate, globalism, bought politicians,
control of media are descriptive. There are reasons why the labor movement
has collapsed. It is the politics of neoliberalism, an out growth of corporate
greed. Given how it opposes the public weal, we have devoted a section to expose
just what neoliberalism is—a thing that the five corporations which own broadcasting will not do.
Things have gotten worse, the hole the neocons has dug
is much deeper. The economic stats are worse than bad: the trend is toward greater disparity of wealth and on top of that the U.S. is loaded with debt and imbalance of trade. The debt can through fiscal austerity can be paid off (as some of it was under Clinton), but the
trade imbalance will only grow due to the dismantling of are industrial base and the setting up of free trade agreements such
as NAFTA. The current foreign debt
is equaled to over 70% of GDP, a ratio unmatched by far among industrialized nations.
To find out what economics is called the dismal science and the role of neoliberalism.