1. Enlightenment: (My gateway site the other gateway is #7, Webrings). American Justice (both its synopsis and full article). The
Supreme Courts own published cases are used to show just far since 1975 the pro-government judges have gone in dismantling
our Bill of Rights, and thus we have lost the protection of the prudent principles of jurisprudence, which are in essence
followed by all other developed countries. What Historians have deduced about
the Historical Mohammed: it shows that what has been written of the person
Mohammed is so uncertain as to its accuracy, that the important events of his life are essentially unknown. History of Christ (JK) comes to the same conclusion about Jesus, but with much more compelling arguments. The German School of biblical scholars set down those argument at the end of the 19th
century. The Physics of Everything was not the product of a Designer,
lays to rest the argument that Yahweh tinkered with the constants of physic so a to create a universe where life could
evolve. And finally, Exodus and Archaeology which reveals that the Exodus
story is a myth.
2. On Ethics, On Politics, On Economics. First would be On
Ethics of Love of All things (JK). It supplies the best answers provided
by the Greek philosophers as to what choices one ought to follow in pursuing the good life.
Please make their answer (with my improvements) your own. Two insightful
articles on our government: The most Powerful Lobby, and How Congress
Works. If one is interested in read a moving true story of American injustice,
then read my friends, Professor Campbells, account of how his trial judge, who now has now clear and irrefutable evidence
of his innocence, will not let him go, and the appellate court will not intervene. Professor
Campbells case is an example of what has happened when our politicians appoint judges who do not support our Bill of Rights, because they see justice from the prospective of a prosecutor. Social
Justice: Eight Steps Forward (JK) addresses eight political and the economic
problems. This work continues where Plato left off in his Republic. The Decalogue: Greek Moral Philosophy Modernized (JK), the continued development of Greek moral philosophy through
utilitarianism, made into 10 rules.
3. Utilitarianism. Mainly historical and biographical articles. There is an account of the theory: Utilitarian
Ethics: an Introductory Explanation.
Jeremy Bentham: His Life and Impact (JK) is dressed in style to
entertain the reader. He like Voltaire, a generation before him, labored life-long
to spread enlightenment, and like Voltaire was exceedingly successful.
His principle contributions
are in law, ethics, and political reform.
4. 4. LOGICAL THREADS: An odd lot collection. How to evaluate Medical Discoveries
is of obvious importance. Logical Fallacies, a primer in clear thought (concepts and exercises).
Why strangeness of man--explained: the best darn insight into why man does strange things (religion, obesity,
tobacco, etc.).
5. Cartoon-Satire: A little humor, you can guess the targets. My cartoon collection
exposes the naked emperors and priests.
6. Thinkers on Religion: Excellent articles against religion
mostly by famous authors. All the articles are outstanding. Select according to your interest. My favorite is Pascals
Wager (JK), which applies the tools of logic (philosophy) to show why the gods would reward a concerned, learned atheist
(such as Bertrand Russell) before a person of faith such as Mother Teresa or the theologian Fredrick Copleston. A second favorite would be Hocus Focus¸ on spiritualism and parapsychology, an example of journalism
at its best. It dices new-age crap, especially spiritualism, and is enjoyable
to read.
7. Web Rings: The table of contents with links and this guide.
8. Analysis of the Old Testament: Hebrew Mythology (JK) lists
the demigods, gods, and mythic tales found in the Old Testament. The 5th
century BC tales of the Old Testament ought to be as much an embarrassment to modern Jews and Christians as the Greek pagan
tales about the Gods were to the Greek philosophers. Tacitus on the Hebrews
Origin is fun reading both for content and style (Tacitus was the best of Roman prose writes).
9. Spiritualism: Homeopathy:
Its History, Its Absurdity. Its title says all. The Illusion of the Ghost in the Machine (JK), explains how neural brain activity creates this illusion.
10. Literary: Famous authors who dared to write irreverent fiction. Mark Twains Letters from Earth stands alone in effectiveness and perception. Others posted are Dennis Diderot, Lucian, Nietzsche, Edgar Lee Masters, and Robert
12. JKS Literary Works: Assorted poems by JK, which are mostly
rhymed and humorous, such as the one on tobacco smoking, which ought to be set to music.
14. Literary Works JK: Chance (JK), the delightful short
story of life and love in Mexico.
15. ANCIENT SACRED WORKS OF THE HEBREWS. A collection of extra biblical tales and ancient articles. A larger body of works had been written
with the same intent as the canonical works, but they were not included. A number of them had been widely disseminated.
They are another window on the times, peoples and problems faced the people who were the foundation of the Jewish
faith. Also extra biblical Christian tales, including Peter versus Simon the Magician: the account of how Peter before a crowd proved that his powers were greater than Simons.
Mark Describes Jesus Gay Affair (JK) is based on the discovery of Professor Morton Smith of a 2nd
century letter by the Bishop of Alexandria, Clemens, which indicates that the Gospel of Mark had been edited and the Bishop
quotes from the complete Mark (now lost) a passage about Jesus in Jericho in which Jesus laid naked with a young man whom
he had risen from the dead. The Gospel of Mark mentions Jesus going to Jericho
with a brevity that suggests censorship. (I hold that the Gospels are historical
fictions.) Catholic Theologians Acknowledge Gospel Myths: what they know about biblical origins is different than what they preach.
Published in The Notre Dame, a university theological journal.
QUACKERY: Fad Anti-aging Exposed, an article by concerned scientistsreprinted
in Scientific American. Homeopathy:
Its History, Its Absurdity. Its title says all.
18. RELIGIOUS QUESTIONS: Reasons for the Rejection of Religion (JK) outlines
who absurd mass religions are. Also outstanding is On Miracles by
David Hume, a very compelling classic.
19. SKPETICISM: Why Scientists are Skeptics about Psychic Phenomena is a very readable
20. ANCIENT SACRED WORKS OF THE CHRISTIANS: The infancy Gospel, during the Middle
Ages as widely read as the Gospels, it is another example of how Christians invented the Christ story. Among the most
interesting is Peter versus Simon the Magician.
by Arianna Huffingtons. A book on corporate democracy:
an account of how Congress lies with the corporate pigs.