My academic background
consists of 12 years as a student--from 1962 to 70 and 1977-81, including 2
years of graduate school in philosophy.
The 14 undergraduate semesters in science consumed nearly three academic
years (I earned 85 credit hours).
These science courses gave me the foundation for a molecular
understanding of life and life systems, and philosophy taught me to critically
examine a field of knowledge so as to spot anomalies in an overall theory and
arrive so as to sculpture the solution to real-world situations. Unlike science
which relies on expert
consensus, philosophy teaches problem solving.
For example there are Five Types of
Ethical Theory (work
by C.D. Broad);
I had to examine each theory and then arrive at an overall meta-ethical theory
and justify it. I had 2 years of
philosophy as a major, and 2 more years in graduate school, University of
Manitoba. Problem solving was not just
the domain of philosophy: in the 60s
undergraduate liberal arts course-work consisted mostly of using evidence to
justify conclusions—liberal arts consisted of a minimum of 12 semester-long courses
(36 credit hours), I had 15. I applied those skills to social
questions: human behavior, political
science, and economics, and to process such as imperialism, historical
analysis, consumerism, religious behavior, and almost everything else that was
puzzling to me. Upon leaving the
academic world in 1981, I continued to explore topics as varied as psychology,
ethics, the brain as the source of behavior, poetics, the Greco-Roman World, Old
Testament mythology, historical Jesus, US Federal court system, health issues,
and other topics. I also had 7 semesters
in mathematics. I was like a
mathematician, only instead of numbers I think of processes measured by
consequences and completeness. For one year I was a psychology
major during the era when the experimental basis of behavior was used as a
scaffolding to explain complex behavior. In 2001 I started the
whose theme is to expose beliefs that are not justified by the evidence.
There are two sections applying the behavioral approach. In 2004 I
started an evidence based medical site.
The deeper I looked into health related topics, the more I came to
understand the inroads that drug and food manufacturers made upon the evidence
base. The behavioral analysis, social Darwinism,
fiduciary goals of corporations and topics is understanding helps me to understand
why and how the perverse corporate system produce perverse treatment
practices, and thus how the corporate system causes well-meaning scientists and
doctors to cause harm. A system which is measured by profits has evolved
into a health care monster. In 2011 I started the recommended section of healthfully.org.
The Greek Philosophers self-servingly (for they were the teachers) held that an essential condition
for the development of right of the sons of upper class citizens would consist of instruction in philosophy (which in those
times also included the now separate fields of sciences, social science, political science, mathematics, and
literary analysis) so that their rational nature could guide their actions and thus dominate in prudent ways their animal
side. This would be complemented with training in the gymnasium (a word of Greek origins) and the arts (music and poetry).
Their students would learn to be free through rational understanding of the nature of things (a philosophic track by that
name was written setting the Greek atomistic school by the Roman Lucretius) of the frightful superstitious beliefs which
afflict the untrained mind. As their students developed they would come to understand
the conditions necessary to live the good life and have sufficient rational control to fulfill those conditions. The good
life included in live a just life in moderation away from the common herd. The wise person sought the purer pleasures, those
which yielded enjoyment and at the same time causing the least discomforts and expenses.
Quiet contemplation, by a person who is at peace with himself, ranked as the purest and most persistent pleasure. A
person living the good life exercised and participated in sports, enjoyed the fine arts, was honorable, had a group of noble
companions, and of course had the skills of a philosopher (the term coming from Greek means "lover of wisdom).
Epicurus the
leader of the Greek Atomists around 300 BC most succinctly expressed through maxims what the good-life is. A revival of his
teachings occurred with Gassandi who translated his works and that of Lucretius’ in 17th-century. Epicurus moral teaching evolved into utilitarianism (see my other site).
You probable wonder why I have done
this. There is the psychological answer:
I like working on this site because of intellectual pleasures and the relief of boredom; viz., I get
more reinforcements from this activity than others for approximately 20 hours per week.
And there is the conceptual answer: the combination of the fulfillment
of the utilitarian imperative, and Hope (the chance that this would lead to something bigger).
I am unloading years of learning and paper collecting. Nearly all
that I have pasted is for the sake of helping both you and me to rise above our animal side and through logical control
of both beliefs and actions. And it is to promote ataraxia (read Love of all things as foundation
for happiness.)
I have a BA, major philosophy, plus 2 years of graduate
school, plus 8 chemistry courses. Since graduating high school, I have lived
the contemplative life, and is so doing have avoided the corruption of the mass media—principally consumerism and nationalism. I view my self as a humanitarian and citizen of this world. Politically I am close to Ralph Nader and Noam Chomsky and thus find much evil in corporatism and American
hegemony. This makes me a gad fly
(one who presents disquieting ideas). The most effective thing that I can do
is teach by offering ideas. .
I have a dream of a utopia, one with an educated populous of gentle race of loving people; one where people work together as an extended family, and where the corporations including banks are owned by their community,
and the media is ran by university professors. I want to share this dream. It is a dream as old as Plato’s Republic, a dream
of where the good is the public weal. It went to Syracuse with him,
traveled with Aristotle (his pupil) and Alexander the Great (Aristotle’s pupil).
Zeno of citum and Epicurus presented their versions of Greek wisdom. Undoubtedly
the author of the Sermon on the Mount was familiar with this Greek wisdom and added to it.
Voltaire and Diderot bore its stamp, and Jeremy Bentham corresponded
with Madison and befriended Alan Burr.
Adam Smith and his friend David Hume, like Bentham, measured governments by their promotion of the public weal. The enlightenment Greek wisdom. John
Stuart Mill was the god son of Bentham, and Bertrand Russell the god son of Mill. And
though Greek wisdom and candle of the Enlightenment today grow dimmer, and though the Sermon on the Mount has less affect
in the last two generations upon the contentious ape, and though greedy corporatism has through its media sold poverty as
progress, inculcated that government serving the public weal is socialism, and
through election funding has bought our politicians and co-opted democracy; the Greek wisdom will not be extinguished, but
will like the phoenix rise from the flames of social injustice. Like the French
and American revolutions, history will repeat itself. Let us not forget the dream: Greek wisdom and its progeny
In 2008 I read Marcia Angell's book on how the pharmaceutical industry deceives. I knew that they put profits before people,
only I had thought the the medical schools had sufficient influence to limit their ability to destroy the evidence base upon
which medicine is practiced. I found out that science Reagan, the universities, including medical schools became an extension
of business. I then found that I could do more good by publishing more on that corruption. I then started correction what
I had prior on healthfully.org, and rather than edit, I posted new materials, and to distinguish what had gone before, I added
the letter "r", as in healthfully.org/rc

This site is one of 3 sites maintained by California Skeptics
All with cool art and informative articles 9/6/18
#31 TABLE OF CONTENTS healthfully, over 1,200 pages downloaded per day.
#7 TABLE OF CONTENTS skeptically, over 8,000 pages downloaded per day.
#201 TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENT NEWS , over 900 pages downloaded per day
# 180 RECOMMENDED WESTERN DIET PANDEMIC, high fructose diet and its conditions—proofs
#158 RECOMMENDED GATEWAY PAGE Gateway to the research on pharma and health
#152 RECOMMENDED--CONCISE Bad drugs, good drugs, treatments & supplements,
#161 RECOMMENDED HEALTHFUL Improving health including diet and nutritional science
#185 RECOMMENDED FRUCTOSE PAMDEMIC BOOK fructose makes us sick book in preparation
#157 Video documentaries lectures YouTube Healthful diet, bad pharma, GMOs etc. with description
Epicurus said, to him who little is not enough, nothing will be enough.
Skinner said: original sin is the difference between your pleasure and mine. Let us be free of sin by living the utilitarian ideal of promoting happiness.
Epicurus: Meditate upon pleasure; for without it we do all to get it back. This meditation
will lead with persistence to an understanding of ataraxia the foundation of the good life.
Click on blotter LSD below and travel to the site that honors
Dr. Hofmann, who in April of 1943 accidentally absorbed a small dose. Feeling ill, he bicycled home from Sandoz Laboratory
in Switzerland.
The best way to travel |
A part of my life 400 times |
If there is a divine measurement, it is by the good we do.