Home | Shock Doctrine Fix | 2 Parties, One Master--Flynt | Pretend Reform--Huffington | REFORM BILLS, THE SHAKEDOWN GAME | HEALTH CARE DOLE/REFORM--Dr. Angell | Is the Health Care Bill Better than Nothing?--Angell | Drug Pricing as usual--Palast | Bank bailout includes Shadow Banking,$23.7 Trillion--Huffington

Democrats Obama

A democracy exists whenever those who are free and poor are in sovereign control of the government; an oligarchy when the control lies in the hands of the rich and better born.”—Aristotle

LSD Blotter art, Ken Kesey noted author and head
The media deception is a mind twister

 The above picture is a blow-up of a 4 inch square sheet of blotter paper impregnated with LSD and perforated so as to provide 100 squares for ingestion. 



This site is one of 3 sites maintained by California Skeptics

All with cool art and informative articles

A = Art with some of the articles.  All home pages have art.


#7  TABLE OF CONTENTS skeptically, 18 topics, over 1,000 articles,  averages over 7,000 pages downloaded per weekday.   A


#201 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR CURRENT NEWS ISSUES, Current month’s political news, plus archives, international news, corporate news —over 900 pages downloaded per day A


#31 TABLE OF CONTENTS healthfully, 1,000 health & medical articles, many topics, averages over 1,200 pages downloaded per day. A


#209 THE ARTISTS, bios and samples of their art  A


# 220 VIDCASTS & U-TUBE, for those who like the visuals  A


# 125 The Crash On the economic collapse of 2008 # 151 The Depression   A


#1 Enlightenment, our favorites, the flagship articles    A


Skeptical sites:

#1   Enlightenment, collection of the best   A

#4   Logical threads

#6   Thinkers on Religion   A

#9   Spiritualism

#17  Quackery

#19  Skepticism

#29  For skeptics

#37  Biographical

#102 Quacks, theories & practice


Religious sites:

#1     Enlightenment  A

#5     Cartoons Mostly Religious

#6     Thinkers on Religion  A

#8     Old Testament Analysis

#26   Ancient Sacred Works of the Hebrews

#9     Spiritualism

#10   Literary Works on Religion

#15   Christian Apocrypha and Essays

#16   New Testament

#18   Against Religious foolishness   A

#20   Ancient Sacred Works of the Christians

#22   Christianity

#24   Bible Studies More

#107 Holy Horrors

#109 Philosophy & religion



Political-economic sites:

#111 World Trade Organization  A

#123 Neoliberalism at Work  A

#125 The Crash A

#131 The Depression

#134 Democrats Obama

#106 Economics    A

#119 Economic Developments  A

#121 Economics the Dismal Science

#132 Economic graphs  A

#116 OIL  A

#128 Terrorism Hegemony

#129 Obama Watch

#21  Muckraking Political Articles

#23  Critical of capitalism  A

#126 Corporate system

#117 Federal court system

#12   Penal system

#14   Labor  A

#28   Nuclear war threat  A

#118 Iraq war A

#127  Military war  

#120 Election reform  A

#124 Managed-Corporate Press

#41   Medical business abuses

#130 Big Pharma at work

#103 Parliament of Whores  A

#104 Government, Presidency, Congress, Courts

#25  Bush Bashing

#112 Bush watch   A


Utopia, ethics, happiness, misc. sites:

#2    Utopia  A

#3    Utilitarianism   A

#5    Cartoons & satire

#7    Table of contents & links

#101 Links & quotes

#105 Scientific psychology

#108 Psychoanalysis, their weird theories

#27  Recreational drugs   A

#110 Recreational drug research  A

#113 Environmental & animals

#114 B.F. Skinner, works and life

#115 Ethics humanistic

#122 Pod casts & u-tube  A


JK’s Poetry, Satire &

Short Stories sites:

#32  Short stories, etc.

#33  Satire

#34  Rhymed poems

#39  Rhymed poems romantic

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#42  Rhymed poems social message

#43  Rhymed poems satire


California Skeptics has an excellent collection of political cartoons and huge collection of links to sites with political cartoons and animation

We appreciate feedback.  Contact US

at thinker@skeptically.org.


Moreover, JK has something to say, and he likes saying it.  He has written several works of fiction in need of a publisher.  Can you help? 



R. Crumb

These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these papers to club into submission or rive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government -- Theodore Roosevelt, New York Times, March 27, 1922

“All for ourselves, and nothing for anybody else,” Adam Smith called this the vile maximum of the masters of mankind.  Neoliberals call it, “trickle-down economics.”  Noam Chomsky


Teddy Roosevelt's advice that, "We must drive the special interests out of politics. The citizens of the United States must effectively control the mighty commercial forces which they have themselves called into being. There can be no effective control of corporations while their political activity remains."

History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.—James Madison

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw&feature=bz303 The Obama Deception: This documentary explains why our government bails out bankers first. It goes into how there is a coordinated effort here and abroad to have a free-market system, and much more. An entertaining, quality production.